New Bible Study on Ruth

ruthcoverThe next installment in the Bible for Life Studies series is now available. Ruth: Under the Wings of Refuge is an 8 week study that allows  individuals or groups to unpack the themes and content of the book of Ruth in ways that will make a difference in the life of faith today.  If you’re in the market for such a study, consider buying it here.

One of the questions some may have is ‘Why are you producing Bible study material when there are already so many good studies out there?’ That is a great question. We don’t produce our own material because we think we have the corner on truth.  We read, use, and adapt all kinds of material from other sources with great benefit to our church.  Our motivation in producing our own material is two-fold.  First, it’s financially more advantageous.  As a small church we can either blow out our budget on buying one or two studies a year or move that cost to our members.  Since we want to encourage them to give faithfully to gospel work in our city as well as global efforts beyond our own church, we want to keep costs low for materials. Secondly, and in my opinion more importantly, we produce our own material because can be given it away.  We work with several partners overseas where good resources are hard to come by. And the ones they do have tend to be very expensive. So, by producing material ourselves, we can pass on those resources easily and cheaply, hopefully as an encouragement to them.

If you’re interested in this series, there’s also guides on Leviticus, Hebrews, and Jude.  Study guides on Nehemiah, Galatians, and Philippians are coming soon.

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